Wellness Coaching Session

About This Session

Wellness Coaching is a guide to discovering what your unique wellness path is. Though many clients use their coaching sessions in conjunction with mental health services for additional support, coaching is NOT counseling or a cure for mental health conditions and should not be treated as such. Coaching one-on-one sessions provide the tools and resources needed for clients to get where they desire to be in feeling whole and like the best versions of themselves. Topics discussed in your sessions would be wellness aspirations, life balance, self-care, healthy wellness habits, goal setting, and more.

Your sessions will also focus on helping you focus on piecing your individual self-care and wellness puzzle together. Through individualized targeted coaching, sessions are focused on guiding the client to where they desire to be. Coaching is all about helping clients align their self-care regimens with their daily lives while achieving a healthy, beneficial flow in wellness. Your session will be focused on the mindset regarding your personal wellness development and self-care. Push towards being and feeling like the best version of your restored self.

30/40 min Sessions | $40.00/$50.00

*BOOKING DIRECTIONS: Discovery Call requests are booked via email ONLY for NEW CLIENTS. In your email request please list three times and dates Monday-Friday 10 am-5 pm that you are available to take your 15-minute call. In your email (1) please share a little bit about your wellness goals, (2) current self-care/life balance challenges, and (3) why you are seeking wellness coaching. If you would like to add additional information you are welcome to! Please remember to list a good contact number for yourself. A confirmation will be sent to you via email and text message with your confirmed Discovery Call time and date. After your 15-minute Discovery call, you will be booked for your first face-to-face in-office visit if it is determined that Wellness Coaching is a good fit for you.

We look forward to talking to you soon!